
リンダ・キャリエールはニューオーリンズ生まれで、UCLA に通うために移住したロサンゼルスの「マーベリックス・フラット」という若者向けのクラブで歌い始めたところから歌手としてのキャリアがスタートした。後に伝説的R&BグループDYNASTYの一員として本格的なプロデビューとされている彼女だが、今回発売される『Linda Carriere』こそ、真のデビューアルバムとなる。
この度、アルファミュージックに保管されていたマルチテープから細野晴臣立ち合いの元、世界的なエンジニアのGOH HOTODAのミックスにより録音から47年を経て商品化が実現。
In a galaxy far, far, away, a little girl lived surrounded by forests. She built friendships with two massive oak trees, bulwarks of the back yard, who protected her, and welcomed her readings of many books. Every day, sitting on the oaks’ roots, like a Child On An Angel’s Arm, she read of other lands and their people, who spoke different languages, and created varied cultures that celebrated the unique characteristics of their philosophies. And every day between stories, the little girl sang songs she had learned, and danced for hours. The songs told different stories, with different melodies and tempos. She danced among the surrounding pine trees. Birds happily coasted on the notes that floated by. Butterflies, curious about the melodies, landed on the little girl’s shoulders for a while. It was a Love Celebration where the notes mimicked different heartbeats invoking stories that covered everything from celebrations to tears. Books and music continued to nourish the young girl through her development, and like Socrates, she regularly examined herself to be assured that no arrogance rose to a negative level, but the Proud Soul could just be strong and helpful to others. Even at moments of sadness her inner strength reinforced her to face that nothing was All That Bad. The little girl evolved into a young lady still growing with music always in her heart. Whether she was Laid Back Mad Or Mellow, music was her counselor. Even having to stop a hike on the side of a tall hill, with a slight sense of Vertigo, she sang all the way down.
At the first step of adulthood, a day arrived when the music, that had been part of her atoms, presented her with the opportunity to begin to explore the world. The young lady boarded an airplane on the day of the week she had always particularly enjoyed. She officially became a Sunday Girl. As she passed the open cockpit door, she said hello to the pilot. He smiled and told her that he felt great, and they were going to have a wonderful flight. She smiled on the way to her seat feeling that the pilot seemed, Up On His Luck. Her journey had begun.
After beginning her performing life in America, and then several years of living and performing in most European countries, Canada, Nigeria, Iran, and Japan, she was so grateful to the people everywhere that had embraced her. Her spirit was happy. She would visit home in America, relax a bit, and reflect on her experiences.
Less than a week in America, she accepted a songwriter’s invitation to record his new songs on demos, that he would use to introduce and sell his music. (Sadly, I don’t remember the songwriter’s name.) A week after the demos had been recorded, the songwriter called again. This time he announced with the warmest, most uproarious laughter, that after introducing his songs to a music company, the company was interested in the singer. Another fateful experience was about to be offered to her. And, soon, she met Alfa Music of Japan.
Understanding that limitations in life are imposed by a closed mind. Linda looked out at the horizon, beyond the ocean, and opened her arms to a new adventure, because Loving Makes It So.
With poems in 35 anthologies and 15 languages, James Ragan is an internationally recognized author of 10 poetry collections, including The Hunger Wall and Chanter’s Reed, and poems in Poetry, Los Angeles Times, World Lit Today. With readings in 32 nations, including Japan, he performed at the U.N, Carnegie Hall, CNN, PBS, NPR, BBC and for 7 Heads of State including Mikhail Gorbachev (with Bob Dylan) at the 1985 Moscow Int. Poetry Festival. Honors: 2 Litt.D’s, a Fulbright Award, Emerson Poetry Prize, Swan Foundation Humanitarian Award, 9 Pushcart nominations, Finalist: Poetry Society of America Award, London’s Troubadour Prize, Walt Whitman Award. Plays, staged in U.S, Moscow, Beijing etc. He’s the subject of the Platinum Prize winning documentary Flowers and Roots at Houston’s Int. Film Festival. He Directed USC’s Professional Writing Program (25yrs) and is Professor at Prague’s Charles U.
『Linda Carriere』 CD(MHCL-3092)
『Linda Carriere』 LP(MHJL-349)